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I haven't been playing for a very long, I first picked up the guitar when I was 16, so its only been 5 years. I started playing because at that time i was a very bored, I wasn't doing anything with my life. I wasn't involved in any sports,clubs,activities and I wasn't very social as my parents never let me go out because they thought that the world was to dangerous and that I would have to wait at least until I was 18. I wasn't motivated or ambitous at all. Therefore I needed to find myself something to do to end my boredom and I thought music th most closest thing to me apart from my xbox. My parents supported me financialy to buy a guitar and some other equipment and also for the lessons. I had so much free time before but when I started playing the guitar I commited all that time to the guitar therefore I progressed rapidly. After I was able to play fluently, which took me a good 3-4 months, I decided to try and practise to play with my close mate Tom who played on the drums. It was just to get a Beat going, just for the fun of it. But then we realised that we actually were playing good togehter and we had a good flow . Therefore we decided to create a band. We started very well, practising nearly every lunch and once every other day after school at school or at one of our houses. For the first 2 months we were just playing songs from other famous artist just to get used to each other and to improve our flow. I then advised us to try us take some of the beats from some rock songs and mix it witha reggaae songs, we found it a very beutiful match and i really loved it, for example we took some parts of iron maiden’s fear of the dark and put it together with peter tosh’s johnny be good, we realised some combination didn’t work like the one I just said, but we found some very good combinations aswell. we decided that that was our style a mix of reggae and rock.But we thought that if we wanted to write our won songs we would need a vocalist, a person that has suitable voice for both reggea and rock. after a few weeks of searching and asking we found a girl in the first year of sixth form was willing to join us. so we were complete, a vocalist, drummer and guitarist. we thought are music should relate to people our age,teenagers. Our aim was to target everyone but to relate to teenagers but i thought talk about life instead , as thats what reggaea is about. but to get started we jUst stuck with teenage life. After working for a solid two weeks we came out with our first single 'My Life' which is about a person's lifecyle, life and death and also how different factors effect a person's life. From then we worked about 4 months on our debut album 'Change' which is overall about the change in teenage life and our lives.We first made friends and family to listen to our songs, we got some spectacular feed back which advised us to put our album on sale at some of the music stores in South East London  but first put on a few trial songs on the internet to make our selves known.After we started performing at a few pubs,bars and halls. After a few months we found that our album was sold out in some stores and our views on the internet had hit over 100,000 which was a huge achievement. After these achievements we were called by The Electric Ballrom in Camden, offering to organise a gig for us, we accepted straight away and then started applying for introducing stages at Reading and Boom town festival, we were accepted for both our application. Our performance at the ballroom was sold out, it was brilliant and the two festival performances aswell. After the festival season was over we got a call from steven briggs the famous universal records manager who said he wanted to sign us. we were over the moon as a band, it hapend so fast, in an year and a half we wer signed to become a professional band. for this was the biggest thing that’s ever happend to me, from an unknown and unmotivated boy to a professional guitarist at the age of 18. steve has given his resources, help and comitment which has brought us to where we are know and thanks to him where on our first world tour, first stop las vegas!

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